For the price of a jar of infused honey you can gain the knowledge to make as many as you want in your own at home! Join my online workshop and learn an ancient method of medicine making. Honey can be used as a natural home remedy by infusing certain herbs and spices. Infused honeys are delicious and simple to make. The process is calming…almost therapeutic! Handcrafting and creating your own flavors elevates your mood as you take a step towards your health goals.
- This workshop will teach you how to create your very own healing honey that is antibacterial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory.
- We will discuss the medicinal and nutritional properties of honey and how to incorporate it as a symptom reliever in autoimmune health.
- Each participant will get recipes to keep and make a custom blend to fit her own health goals, ways to use honey, and fool proof methods to ensure high quality outcome.
Please join me for an amazing experience of learning, handcrafting, and discovering! When you sign up, I will personally email you to welcome you and the list of items you need to have during the workshop. For example, list of spices and herbs, your favorite glass jars you will make your honey in, and honey of your preference. “Taking the ordinary and making it EXTRAordinary” You don’t want to miss this fun online workshop! I will be talking about healing honey in depth the nourishing properties of honey and how infusing it with herbs and spices can bring it to new dimension and have several different uses throughout your daily life. Only 20 spaces available! Register NOW! Even though you’re getting an extraordinary deal, theres more! If you order right now, I’ll add my e-booklet “THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO USE HERBS & SPICES TO HELP WITH AUTOIMMUNE SYMPTOMS” for FREE! No matter what, it’s yours to download and keep as my way of saying thank you for trying out this workshop.
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